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Stakeholder Analysis

Working together with a range of different stakeholders can be challenging. This is because each stakeholder has its own motivations, interests and capacities to exert influence over a project or a sector policy. QOEN Consulting supports you with in-depth stakeholder analysis and provides recommendations for futher actions.

Stakeholder Analysis

Stakeholder analysis is the study we undertake to understand our partners better. If you are working on a project or policy, what are the motivations of potential partner agencies to work with you? Or against you! What are their real interests? And how powerful are they to actually make a difference? A thorough stakeholder analysis will make your program so much more valuable! QOEN has great experience in facilitating and undertaking in-depth stakeholder analysis. 

Stakeholder Mapping

Aside from the motivations, interests and powers of stakeholders it is important to understand the relationships between partners. If the relationship between your project and an important government counterpart are problematic, what is it that you could possibly do? Perhaps you can work with other agencies or channels who have better working relationships with that counterpart. I provide support with stakeholder mapping, which provides a clear and effective pathway of change for your project. 

Multi-Stakeholder Processes

Most, if not all development topics (such as gender, poverty, environment, climate change) require efficient and effective multi-agency partnerships. Stakeholder analysis and stakeholder mapping are great tools to help you determine with which agencies you could best collaborate, and create an alliance, working group or any other type of multi-stakeholder platform. QOEN has extensive experience in managing both the systems and the dynamics of multi-stakeholder processes. read more...

Starting 1 July:
Results Based Management

In our Results-Based Management course, you will gain comprehensive expertise in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), situation analysis, Theory of Change, Logical Frameworks, Intervention Logic, indicators, verification methods, risk management, and organizing evaluations.









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