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QOENĀ Results Based Management

Drive impact and accountability with comprehensive RBM training.

Course Information
2 Enrolled
16 weeks

Course Overview

Our Results Based Management (RBM) training is designed to equip participants with the essential skills and knowledge to effectively manage projects through all phases of the project management cycle. This comprehensive course is ideal for development professionals, project managers, and team leaders who seek to enhance their ability to plan, implement, monitor, and evaluate projects with a results-oriented approach.

The training begins with an introduction to the fundamental concepts and principles of Results Based Management, emphasizing the importance of a clear focus on outcomes and impacts. Participants will learn how to define and articulate project goals, objectives, and indicators that align with organizational priorities and stakeholder expectations. Through interactive sessions, we will explore practical tools and techniques for situation analysis, problem identification, and stakeholder engagement, ensuring a solid foundation for project planning.

In the planning phase, the course delves into the development of logical frameworks and results chains, guiding participants in creating detailed project plans that are both realistic and achievable. Emphasis is placed on designing effective monitoring and evaluation systems that provide timely and accurate data for decision-making. Participants will gain hands-on experience in setting baselines, targets, and key performance indicators, as well as in developing risk management strategies to address potential challenges.

During the implementation phase, the training covers essential project management skills, including resource allocation, team coordination, and adaptive management. Participants will learn how to apply RBM principles in day-to-day project operations, ensuring that activities remain aligned with desired outcomes. The course also addresses the critical aspects of data collection and analysis, enabling participants to track progress and measure success effectively.

Finally, the course culminates in a comprehensive exploration of the monitoring and evaluation (M&E) phase, where participants will learn how to conduct impact assessments, generate lessons learned, and report results to stakeholders. This phase emphasizes the importance of continuous learning and improvement, encouraging participants to use evaluation findings to refine project strategies and enhance future performance.

By the end of the training, participants will be equipped with a holistic understanding of Results Based Management and the skills to apply it across all phases of the project management cycle. They will leave the course with practical tools and frameworks that can be immediately applied to their work, empowering them to deliver high-impact projects that meet organizational and community needs.

Course Sidebar
What You'll Get

What you will get

  • Access to the 4 month Results-Based Management Bootcamp
  • 16 online group sessions
  • Practice and apply course content and tools directly to your project/program
  • Feedback and support to strengthen your project/program
  • 5 modules addressing each phase of the project cycle
  • Access to the Results-Based Management Community Group
  • Access to course materials and handouts
  • A certificate

CourseĀ Program

Course Curriculum
Introduction to the Results Based Management Bootcamp
  • Introduction to the Bootcamp
Module 1: Project Identification
  • Conducting Situation and Needs Assessments
  • Stakeholder Analysis & Mapping
  • Theory of Change
Module 2: Project Formulation
  • Problem and Solution Trees
  • Logical/Results Framework
  • Intervention Logic
  • Indicator Formulation
  • Means & Sources of Verification
  • Assumptions & Risk Management
Module 3: Project Monitoring
  • Activity & Output Monitoring
  • Outcome Monitoring
  • Impact Monitoring
Module 4: Project Evaluation
  • Understanding the OECD/DAC Evaluation Criteria
  • Types of Evaluation & Evaluation Planning
  • Developing Evaluation Matrices and Data Collection Methods
  • Managing the Evaluation Process and Utilizing Results
Module 5: Project Closure and Sustainability
  • Fundamentals of Project Closure
  • Lessons Learned and Knowledge Management
  • Strategies for Project Sustainability
  • Handover and Transition Management
Closure & Certificate
  • Closure & Certificate

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