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Results Based Management

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Results Based Management

Results based management is a rationalized working approach widely used among development partners in international collaboration, and is currently being used to track progress achieved towards reaching the sustainable development goals. 

This approach has a long history. Development actors, such as UN agencies, Non-Governmental Organisations (NGO’s), Civil Society Organisations (CSO’s) and government authorities have committed themselves to contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).

In order to meet these goals, National Government agencies have developed targets and indicators to measure their contributions to these SDG’s. Individual development agencies now use Results Based Management approaches as their standard way of working.

During the 90's, years before the Millennium Development Goals were adopted (2000) most agencies had just adopted the use of “logical frameworks” as a tool for sustainable project and programme planning, indicator development, designing monitoring systems and organising for independent evaluations. The Logical Frameworking / Results Based Management tool has proven very useful for project management purposes but failed to provide an overall understanding of the impact these projects were generating in society. Development partners also started to conduct in-depth Situation and Context Analysis, and Stakeholder analysis.

Over the years, new additional tools have entered the development arena to enrich the quality of results based management. In particular the development actors needed these new tools to get a clearer understanding of the impacts that were created by their activities, projects and programs. The most prominent new approaches are Theory of Change, Outcome Mapping, and Impact Evaluation..

QOEN Consulting supports development actors with technical advice on any of these tools. This helps agencies to develop a clear understanding of the development and sector context, and as such helps agencies to make informed decisions on the projects, programs and initiatives.

Logical or Results Framework

The Logical or Results Framework approach helps your agency with project planning. It supports you in thinking through and planning the activities, outputs, outcomes, and impacts. This tool aids in formulating a risk management strategy, developing indicators, and designing a monitoring system and data collection methods.


Situation and Context Analysis

QOEN Consulting conducts Situation and Context analysis for any project, program or initiative. The analysis will address at a minimum the political, economical, social, technological, legal, environmental, gender, inclusion (Leave No One Behind), and social protection (Do No Harm) aspects related to a project, program or initiative.


Stakeholder Analysis

Working together with a range of different stakeholders can be challenging. This is because each stakeholder has its own motivations, interests and capacities to exert influence over a project or a sector policy. QOEN Consulting supports you with in-depth stakeholder analysis and provides recommendations for futher actions.


Theory of Change

The Theory of Change approach has been prominent for the past decade. It's a strategic tool that maps out the societal changes we desire and cherish. Using this framework, we can design our development strategies effectively. QOEN Consulting assists organizations in crafting, monitoring, and evaluating their Theory of Change.


Sustainability Planning

Many initiatives struggle with planning for the sustained integration of development outcomes within the communities we aim to benefit. QOEN Consulting guides development stakeholders through detailed planning steps to ensure that project/program impacts persist well beyond the project’s timeline.


Indicator Development

Are you having trouble showcasing the impressive results of your project or program? Is it challenging to convey the narratives your projects generate? Robust qualitative and quantitative indicators, along with effective data collection methods, are crucial for tracking your progress. We aids in developing these indicators and monitoring systems.


Outcome Mapping

Outcome Mapping is a 12-step approach designed to bring about "real and tangible change." Developed as an alternative to the Theory of Change, it is particularly valuable for projects or programs focused on research communication, policy influencing, and behavior change in target groups. This approach plans and monitors the behavioral changes of the partners directly involved in the project. Outcome mapping utilizes outcome journaling to collect data and track progress. QOEN Consulting offers technical support and training in implementing outcome mapping approaches.


Baseline Assessments & Evaluations

Independent baseline assessments establish a starting point, and evaluations are conducted to determine the progress a project or program has made toward its development results from that initial point. These evaluations identify key outcomes and impacts achieved, providing lessons learned for decision-making and corrective actions. QOEN Consulting conducts baseline assessments, evaluations, and evaluative reviews of projects and programs in alignment with the five OECD/DAC criteria for evaluation.


Monitoring Systems And Data Collection

Monitoring your activities is essential for understanding how much progress a project or program is making toward its development results. Monitoring and data collection are continuous and often expensive processes, requiring significant time and resources. The cost can vary greatly depending on the chosen data collection methods. QOEN Consulting supports you with the cost-effective design of your monitoring systems and data collection strategies.


Starting 1 July:
Results Based Management

In our Results-Based Management course, you will gain comprehensive expertise in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), situation analysis, Theory of Change, Logical Frameworks, Intervention Logic, indicators, verification methods, risk management, and organizing evaluations.










About Me

Drawing from over 25 years of experience as a UN program manager and consultant, I've navigated the complexities of development and humanitarian work across diverse contexts. I had a profound desire to make a tangible impact and help create a "better" world. I worked on poverty reduction, conflict resolution, and environmental governance. I managed project and field offices, and designed and implemented projects, and much more. Despite my dedication, I found myself feeling unfulfilled by the lack of tangible results for the communities I served.

Then in 2014, I had a life changing experience. Surviving a terrorist attack and an armed robbery on my house, led me to confront Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).   Seeking support from a neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) coach, I embarked on a journey of healing and self-discovery that ultimately transformed my approach to life and work. 

Today, I serve as a coach, clinical hypnotherapist, in addition to being a development/ humanitarian consultant. I integrate my extensive professional background with insights gained from overcoming adversity. Aside from being a technical expert on project/program management, I specialize in career development, life coaching, and providing mental health support. I'm committed to empowering individuals, teams and organizations to assess their challenges, unlock their potential and achieve lasting fulfillment. Thank you for allowing me to be part of your journey towards empowerment and success.

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