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Facilitation Multi-stakeholder Dialogue & Partnerships

Would you like to set up an effective way to work with other development agencies towards a common goal? But you are not certain what different structures and collaborative mechanisms are the best for you? Or are you already working jointly with other agencies to reach a common goal? Do you find that working with other agencies is challenging?

QOEN Consulting provides technical advice and support to agencies that are interested to work in a partnership, for example by establishing an alliance, a consortium, a thematic working group, or alike. In such partnerships, both the partnership structures, as well as the dynamics in interaction between the partners are key to the success or failure of such a partnership.

Among the Sustainable Development Goals, there is a specific goal dedicated to work in Partnerships. This is SDG 17. [insert image of SDG 17]. Working in partnerships could happen through different organizational structures such as alliances, consortiums, networks. Sometimes even completely new organisations are created out of a multi-stakeholder partnership. Working in partnership is a challenging undertaking. These partnerships usually consist of a multitude of agencies, each working in the interest of achieving results against their own mandates. Just imagine the difficulties we experience when Non-Governmental Organisations, or United Nations Agencies are talking and partnering with private sector entities. It often starts with good intentions, but different sectors often speak a different jargon when talking about similar topics.

Partnerships, networks and alliances can't be managed like projects. Working through partnerships means working in a complex environment in which the working environment changes continuously. Also the inputs and contributions of its members keep on changing as their interests and experiences evolve. Since participation in a partnership is mostly voluntary, and only works when results are achieved in pursuit of a common goal, its success depends heavily on the contributions of its members.

However, working through partnerships is based on the assumption that each member will bring their comparative advantages and strengths to the forefront, which will heavily increase chances for success and bringing changes in society succesfully.

Facilitation of multi-stakeholder partnerships

Working together with a multitude of organisations can be outright challenging. Having common objectives, but also having different interests generates a truly dynamic exchange and dialogue. If managed well, the partnership can be a source of inspiration, learning and progress. If not managed well, the partnership can become a waste of time, resources, and frustration. QOEN helps facilitate these multi-stakeholder partnership dialogues in an objective, neutral manner, with the objective to develop an inspiring, fruitful, meaningful development dialogue.


Organising multi-stakeholder partnership structures

The most successful multi-stakeholder partnerships work with well-developed partnership strategies, steering structures, and operational systems and processes. They can generate and manage knowledge, have a learning function, and are open to new solutions and innovation. QOEN supports these efforts by analyzing, advising, and facilitating the strengthening of multi-stakeholder partnership structures. We establish baselines and develop progress markers for capacity strengthening, ensuring the partnership's effectiveness.


Managing multi-stakeholder partnership dynamics

Successful interaction between different organizations requires high-quality communication. Although multiple partner organizations join forces because they have common objectives, those same organizations may have very different interests to pursue. High-level communication needs to be facilitated during all phases of the partnership activities, from beginning to end. QOEN provides assessments of the different roles of the partners and facilitates multi-stakeholder communication processes to ensure the successful continuation of the partnership.


StartingĀ 1 July:
Results Based Management

In our Results-Based Management course, you will gain comprehensive expertise in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), situation analysis, Theory of Change, Logical Frameworks, Intervention Logic, indicators, verification methods, risk management, and organizing evaluations.










About Me

Drawing from over 25 years of experience as a UN program manager and consultant, I've navigated the complexities of development and humanitarian work across diverse contexts. I had a profound desire to make a tangible impact and help create a "better" world. I workedĀ onĀ poverty reduction, conflict resolution, and environmental governance. I managed project and field offices, and designed and implemented projects, and much more. Despite my dedication, I found myself feeling unfulfilled by the lack of tangible results for the communities I served.

Then in 2014, I had a life changing experience. Surviving a terrorist attack and an armed robbery on my house, led me to confront Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Ā  Seeking supportĀ from a neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) coach, I embarked on a journey of healing and self-discovery that ultimately transformed my approach to life and work.Ā 

Today, I serveĀ as a coach, clinical hypnotherapist, in addition to being a development/ humanitarian consultant. I integrate my extensive professional background with insights gained from overcoming adversity. Aside from being a technical expert on project/program management, I specialize in career development, life coaching, and providing mental health support. I'm committed to empowering individuals, teams and organizations to assess their challenges, unlock their potential and achieve lasting fulfillment. Thank you for allowing me to be part of your journey towards empowerment and success.

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