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May 27, 2023

I had a client, whose father taught him to be perfect! Yes, parents want their children to be perfect, but in that pursuit of perfection, children can develop some really challenging symptoms later in life. Children who are raised by parents who push them to be perfect all the time may develop:

  1. Low self-esteem: Children who are constantly pushed to be perfect may develop low self-esteem because they feel like they can never measure up to their parents' expectations.
  2. Anxiety and depression: The pressure to be perfect can lead to anxiety and depression in children, especially if they feel like they are failing to meet their parents' expectations.
  3. Lack of confidence: Children who are pushed to be perfect may lack confidence in their abilities because they are afraid of making mistakes or failing.
  4. Perfectionism: Children who are raised in an environment where perfection is expected may become perfectionists themselves, which can lead to stress and burnout.
  5. Shyness and social isolation: Children who are pushed to be perfect may become shy and socially isolated because they are afraid of making mistakes or being judged by others.
  6. Substance abuse: Children who are raised in an environment where perfection is expected may turn to substance abuse as a way to cope with the pressure and stress.
  7. Trauma: The pressure to be perfect can be traumatic for children, especially if they are constantly criticized or punished for not meeting their parents' expectations.
  8. Helicopter parenting: Parents who push their children to be perfect may become helicopter parents, which can lead to poor outcomes such as lack of independence and poor decision-making skills.


  1. Perfection is overrated. Nobody's perfect, and that's okay! Trying to be perfect can lead to stress, anxiety, and burnout. Instead, focus on being the best version of yourself.
  2. Authenticity is key. When you're true to yourself, you're more likely to find a career that aligns with your values and passions. Plus, people are drawn to authenticity, so being yourself can help you build meaningful connections and relationships.
  3. Embrace your quirks. Your unique qualities and quirks are what make you special. Don't try to hide them or fit into someone else's mold. Embrace them and use them to your advantage.
  4. Have fun! Life is too short to take everything so seriously. Don't be afraid to inject some humor and light-heartedness into your career journey. It'll make the process more enjoyable and help you stay motivated.

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