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Advocacy & Policy Development for the SDG's

Discover Your Challenge(s) and find ways to overcome and do better with any of QOEN's training courses or coaching packages. 

QOEN Consulting is increasingly being asked by our clients “how can we best make our voice heard to change and amend existing laws, policies or strategies”?

Several of our clients from Civil Society Organisations and United Nations agencies see their landscapes of work changing. Government agencies are increasingly delivering social services in a more effective manner. However, when looking at the policy landscapes in the sectors we work, there are many challenges to be overcome. But the “promise” of a positive policy change is that it touches on the lives of many people, or even an entire nation. A small policy change can lead to big changes in the lives of all affected individuals. Therefore, it is worthwhile to work on advocacy and policy development, despite the challenges and long term timespan these activities may bring.

Many of us feel like spectators nowadays, when it comes to participating in activities related to policy change. It almost seems as if nobody will speak for your interests if you are not well organised. And most of us are not in the club of the decision makers, and even if we are, how can we really exert any influence over the bigger issues at stake. We have also never been taught how to address our challenges at the policy levels, and yet, if we are not raising our voice, somebody else will decide on our behalf.

However, Here is the Good News!

In reality any of us actually have the capacity to become powerful advocates. Several advocacy NGOs/CSOs and international agencies have achieved good results. But good advocacy requires clarity of purpose, thorough preparation, imagination, and sometimes sheer luck.
QOEN Consulting supports you and your agency with advice, tools and skills building for advocacy and policy development activities. This support helps our participants to plan and strategize for policy change, and plan for advocacy campaigns.

Starting with a thorough "Policy Analysis", QOEN Consulting will provide the necessary background information in relation to a specific sector policy. QOEN Consulting uses in-depth "Stakeholder Analysis & Mapping", to identify the best alliances and multi-stakeholder partnerships, or to assess an ongoing partnership, in order to prepare for an effective campaign. QOEN Consulting facilitates successful "multi-stakeholder dialogue", and facilitates multi-stakeholder partnerships, alliances, or networks for advocacy work. "QOEN Consulting supports with Policy Mapping tools and techniques., QOEN Consulting provides support with effective Advocacy Campaigns and "Communications Strategies", and messaging to plan ahead and create an effective advocacy campaign.

QOEN Consulting uses "Results Based Management" and "Outcome Mapping" as an approach to effectively monitor advocacy work. This approach uses progress markers and advocacy indicators to monitor progress. The approach can also include the development of "risk management strategies", and support to the development of a "policy campaign" and Advocacy Strategy. We sincerely believe that with dedication, thorough planning and the right mindset, we can support your advocacy campaign development, and through you, hope to make a difference in this world..

Policy Analysis

If policy change is needed, it is crucial to assess and research the current policies. Understanding the rationale behind existing directives and the policy process is essential. QOEN Consulting supports thorough policy analysis, leading to recommendations for policy change.


Policy Mapping

To change policies, we need a detailed grasp of the policy process, including various meetings and opportunities to advocate for your cause. QOEN Consulting helps map the policy process and prepares agencies for meaningful contributions throughout.


Stakeholder Analysis

Collaborating with various stakeholders can be challenging due to differing motivations, interests, and capacities to influence a project or sector policy. QOEN Consulting supports you with in-depth stakeholder analysis and provides recommendations for further action.


Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships

When multiple agencies pursue common goals, they often form or join networks, alliances, or consortia. Managing these partnerships' structures and dynamics can be challenging. QOEN Consulting provides support in analyzing and strengthening your partnership management.


Advocacy Campaigns Design

Successful advocacy campaigns are typically creative endeavors. High-quality evidence for making your case is essential, but presenting it effectively is another challenge. QOEN Consulting supports you with communication strategies and the design of your advocacy campaign.


Advocacy Strategy Development

The success of advocacy activities relies heavily on preparation, planning, and resources. Good preparation, planning, and information significantly enhance the implementation of your advocacy activities. QOEN Consulting supports the development of your advocacy strategy.


Starting 1 July:
Results Based Management

In our Results-Based Management course, you will gain comprehensive expertise in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), situation analysis, Theory of Change, Logical Frameworks, Intervention Logic, indicators, verification methods, risk management, and organizing evaluations.










About Me

Drawing from over 25 years of experience as a UN program manager and consultant, I've navigated the complexities of development and humanitarian work across diverse contexts. I had a profound desire to make a tangible impact and help create a "better" world. I worked on poverty reduction, conflict resolution, and environmental governance. I managed project and field offices, and designed and implemented projects, and much more. Despite my dedication, I found myself feeling unfulfilled by the lack of tangible results for the communities I served.

Then in 2014, I had a life changing experience. Surviving a terrorist attack and an armed robbery on my house, led me to confront Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).   Seeking support from a neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) coach, I embarked on a journey of healing and self-discovery that ultimately transformed my approach to life and work. 

Today, I serve as a coach, clinical hypnotherapist, in addition to being a development/ humanitarian consultant. I integrate my extensive professional background with insights gained from overcoming adversity. Aside from being a technical expert on project/program management, I specialize in career development, life coaching, and providing mental health support. I'm committed to empowering individuals, teams and organizations to assess their challenges, unlock their potential and achieve lasting fulfillment. Thank you for allowing me to be part of your journey towards empowerment and success.

Read more about me

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